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Conquering Writer's Block

Ten Mental Strategies To Help You Deal With Your Creativity Block So You Can Be More Productive

Bill Cole, MS, MA
Founder and CEO
William B. Cole Consultants
Silicon Valley, Californi

Mental Game Coach Bill Cole Peak Performance Playbook

Sometimes your writing mind does not seem to want to cooperate. It's as if you can't unlock your brain or defang your mental writing monsters. Writer's block wins. But it does not have to be like that. You have options. Here are ten mental strategies that can help you overcome writer's block.    304 words.

Sometimes your writing mind does not seem to want to cooperate. It's as if you can't unlock your brain or defang your mental writing monsters. Writer's block wins. But it does not have to be like that. You have options. I've been helping writers get past writer's block for many years now, and here are some of the approaches I have seen work. I hope they help you too.

Because writers have various methods and styles for writing, a variety of reasons can cause writer's block. When you are blocked, consider trying one of these strategies to get the creative juices flowing again.

  1. Write at different times of the day for variety, or write at the same time of the day for consistency.
  2. Write in a different location.
  3. Write a fast first draft, giving yourself permission to make plenty of mistakes.
  4. Start with lists and merge them into an article.
  5. Interview an expert for an article.
  6. Decide that the first draft will have at least five revisions, so there is no pressure to be perfect now.
  7. Write for only five minutes, and if you get on a roll, continue. If not, come back later.
  8. Start writing anywhere within the project, not particularly at the start.
  9. Write the part of the project that excites you most, first. That will give you energy to continue.
  10. Write the summary or ending first, to give yourself a map for the rest of the project.

I have a toolkit of over 100 writer's block remedies I use with my clients. This list of ten is only a start. I suggest you come up with some sure-fire mental strategies that help you navigate writer's block so you can kick-start your creative energies in the right direction. See you in print!

Bill Cole, MS, MA, a leading authority on peak performance, mental toughness and coaching, is founder and CEO of William B. Cole Consultants, a consulting firm that helps organizations and professionals achieve more success in business, life and sports. He is also the Founder and President of the International Mental Game Coaching Association (www.mentalgamecoaching.com), an organization dedicated to advancing the research, development, professionalism and growth of mental game coaching worldwide. He is a multiple Hall-Of-Fame honoree as an athlete, coach and school alumnus, an award-winning scholar-athlete, published book author and articles author, and has coached at the highest levels of major-league pro sports, big-time college athletics and corporate America. For a free, extensive article archive, or for questions and comments visit him at www.MentalGameCoach.com.

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